Tuesday 17 April 2012


MAR.1st Thur. Running faster than I am able today. Into Cardston to get my oil changed and winter tires off and 2 old ones put on and bought 2 new ones. That ended up taking 2 hours so I was behind the rest of the day. Errands and then to see Sharyn's apartment and say my good byes and then on to Nola's to help clean out cupboards and etc. Later I went to the Church to be set apart as a missionary. A sweet feeling was there as testimonies were shared and then as I was set apart and given a blessing I was told that "the Lord has watched over you in your life since you entered the world." I have felt that I have a specific mission but was overwhelmed at the things I was promised. I  then went to pick up my dresses,tried them on.I am so impressed with the beautiful work that Marge has done. I certainly couldn't have done it.You have to leave an extra 3 inches below floor length for them to hem when you get to Nauvoo and the aprons as well. So the dresses aren't finished yet but I am going to be one of the best dressed in Nauvoo. Tired but happy.
MAR.2nd Fri. Had a great day trying to get organized by getting my stuff unpacked at the house- got the house organized- found the long white gloves of Mothers that Kari wanted to borrow. So it was a day of shuffling and sorting and resorting and trying to downsize the things that I am taking with me.
MAR.3rd Sat. Got the van packed today. This has been a great feat as I have to take multi sets of clothes with me. Spring, Summer,Hot , Humidity, Fall,Winter and Cold Damp Winter as well as my outfits for the tour sites that I will be wearing these dresses and aprons at. That was one suitcase in and of itself. I also have boxes and totes to go to Kari's. It's a good thing that the van is a 6 passenger rather than a 9 as I probably would have packed more stuff.With the mission being 18 months I felt I need to take extra things like books and I even packed a card table and some food storage that I felt I didn't want to leave behind. I just have to pack up my desk stuff, printer and computer and my suitcase with my Sunday clothes tomorrow. Oh, yes I cleaned too, as I wanted to leave the cabin as I had found it.I have been so thankful to have had the space for my preparations to leave. Another emotional day tomorrow when I say my good byes to my dear friends in Hill Spring.
MAR 4th Sun. Woke at 2:30 my mind going 100 mph. Realized that I didn't know where my temple recommend was.I even went out to the van with my flashlight  to unpack my bags to see if it was there. Still no recommend.  I am so very grateful that it is Sunday so that I could get another one.It was fast and testimony meeting and I will never forget the sweet testimony of a boy that simply said "When I was baptized, I felt I was with God again" and sat down.Then the marathon began to get the final packing done and into Cardston to get my recommend signed by the Stake President... it just happened to be the regular night to sign temple recommends.  I am here with Nola and so I was glad to have a chance to visit her one more time before I leave.I will miss her.
MAR.5th Mon. Made it to Wyoming! Up before the crack of dawn. Thank goodness that there was a 24 hour gas station in Cardston. I was the first one to cross the border at Babb/Peigan at 7 AM. I had a moment at the border when I thought they weren't going to let the van through. I went into the bathroom, said a prayer and when I came out she had OK'd it. I don't what happened except my prayer was answered. It started to snow, so by the time I was to the Duck Lake turn off I was into a blizzard. I had bad roads to Browning and then it let up a bit. and then finally good roads all the rest of the way. Listened to Book of Mormon as well as Truman Madsen tapes. Pulled over at Judith Gap for a rest and made it to Kari's by 7 PM. I just can't seem to cut it any shorter driving by myself. It is so good to see everyone.I am amazed at how the kids have grown and the dog too.So grateful to be on the first leg of my journey to Nauvoo. Aspen gave up her bed  so I look forward to a good sleep. Speaking of sleep only  seven more sleeps to the MTC.We are going to the temple in Billings tomorrow while the kids are in school. So back in travel mode again but happy to be able to spend time with Kari and James.
MAR.6-8th Visiting,shopping, sleeping,playing cards and reading with the kids.Went to help set up a Book Fair with Kari at the school and even helped in Ben's class room one morning. It has been fun to be here but the good byes weren't so hard as I will see Kari in two weeks when we drive to Nauvoo.
MAR. 9th Fri. Made it to Utah! I tried to connect with the Kennedy's but that will have to happen on our way to Nebraska.The trip was uneventful and again very glad to see family. The children are growing up so fast even though I saw them in August. Lucy is a doll and a bit cautious of me which is to be expected. She will be walking before you know it. Really weary as I had not slept on the trip down so I am thankful that Eliza gave up her bed for me. What great grand daughters I have and they will have changed so much when I see them again in 18 months.
MAR.10th Sat. It was indeed a Super Saturday,to spend it with family. We traveled up to the Alta Ski Resort to retrieve a much needed cell phone, did some shopping and then had lunch at Chuck-A-Rama. Fred loved to eat here and we came often to celebrate. Thanks Sariah for this special memory. The weather was so lovely and warm that we were outside, kids on bikes and Lucy trying out Marks' fire engine.
MAR.11th Sun. One more sleep before I start the new adventure.Chas stayed home today because he was sick.He was still sleeping when we got home from Church.I was impressed by the talks on the importance of the Sacrament. One talk was on the Last Supper which took me back to Jerusalem where I had to give a talk. The tour director had assigned me to give a talk in a room similar to where the Last Supper might have taken place. What special memories I have. How blessed I have been to travel as much as I have. Doris gave an excellent lesson on the priesthood. I still have my moments when I miss you Fred and until you don't have that connection to the priesthood do you realize the powerful influence it has in your life. It has been a beautiful Sabbath day, to be strengthened by partaking of the sacrament and renewing my covenants, to time with family.What a great way to start the next chapter of my life in the Missionary Training Center.

Monday 2 April 2012

February 2012 Vanderhoof to Hill Spring

Linda and I stayed in Vanderhoof from Feb. 1- Feb. 20th. It was great to be with the Grandgirls and especially to be there for Brielle's Baptism. We had fun one day when we were able to get outside to play in the snow making a fort and playing Fox and Geese. The three weeks went quickly with trips to the school bus, science projects,sick kids,visits to friends and visits from family, rabbits..oops sorry Rachel''bunnies" and finishing Fred's Journals.
Feb.20/ Mon. We said our good bye's in Prince George. This was a very different  experience this time and I wasn't ready for the emotional roller coaster to say good bye to my children and grand kids.I had a tough moment when I didn't want to leave, to stay with family, and yet the momentum of going on a mission. A moment in time when I felt my heart break again. Two more Grand children expected and I won't see them until they are a year old, unless of course they come visit me in Nauvoo.
Feb.21/Tues. Home in Hill Spring and picked up the mail to find my Passport is here. Yeah! Another thing to check off my list.
Feb.23/Thurs. Dentist in Pincher Creek... I had a small chip break off my tooth while I was in B.C. so I got a quick fix, no freezing, so I was in and our of the office in 1/2 hour.\
Feb.24/Fri.  Had a dress fitting today. I love my dresses. Marge will put the tops to the skirts now.
Feb. 26/Sun. Had to talk in Church today which was a challenge as I was to talk for 15 minutes and the other two speakers  were very brief which left me with almost 30 minutes to speak. We had a short meeting today even though I did lengthen my talk.
Feb.27 Mon. I got a call from the Missionary Training Center  with regard to my stay there.Moving right along.
Feb. 28th Tues. Tina came to help me get started with this Blog - couldn't do it without her, so very grateful for her help. and friendship.
Feb. 29thWed. Couldn't hardly believe it happened again. I am falling apart... or at least my teeth are. Another broken tooth, another trip to Pincher and another quick fix. They didn't even charge me this time.