Sunday 20 January 2013

JANUARY 13th to 19th

SUNDAY I think that this has been the busiest Sunday since summer. Awake at 4:30.SNOW ! About 2 inches; Reading, studies,got ready for Church then out to clean the walks then walked to church which starts at 8AM The wind was blowing just enough to make the walk "invigorating". I sat up on the front row for the first time as I was to give the closing prayer. The four talks were on the Creation and one of the speakers quoted the song "My Heavenly Father Loves Me" which is my favorite Primary song.We ended up over time and sang all the verses to "If I could Hie to Kolob" so my prayer was very short. We then move from the Stake Center to the Visitor's Center for the rest of our meetings. We sang"Love One Another" which brought tears to my eyes as it was my Mother's favorite. So after all the meeting and Choir Practice I rushed home, changed into my pioneer dress, ate breakfast and rushed off to the George Riser Boot Shop to serve today. We only had one couple and a sweet baby to come our way. I was reading most of the day but ended up having a nap because it was so quiet. After we closed at 5PM all the nine single sisters were invited to the Ritchie`s for dinner. It was so kind of them to do this and we appreciated it so much. Then off to the Visitor's Center for a Fireside on Emma Smith presented by Shantel Gardner. this was excellent. So the evening was topped off with a call to Benjamin for his 7th Birthday and then Skyped with Megan, Nathan and baby David who is so growing so fast. Quite the day. MONDAY The most interesting turn of events today after work. Seven of us single sisters went out to eat and a show,`Les Miserable. I really enjoyed it and was glad I had been invited along. The reason we had a free night was that they are working on the floor and painting in the Cultural Hall were we do the show Rendezvous.So we will will have the week off. WEDNESDAY At our 8AM training meeting the Mission Doctor tells us that we need to get Flu Shots if we don`t have them already as there is an epidemic here in Illinois so that will be on my agenda.After the meeting and as it was our Preparation Day... We headed to Montrose, Iowa which is directly across the Mississippi River from Nauvoo. It was a beautiful sunny day and even though there was ice on the River, the birds were hanging about. geese of course but the EAGLES, the BALD and GOLDEN ones were gathering. Saturday is actually the 29th Annual Bald Eagle Appreciation Days in Keokuk, Iowa and there will be seminars and live eagle and Raptor presentations....but I will not be able to attend as I will be working.We found the Pioneer Memorial where the Saints landed after leaving Nauvoo. After some shopping went to an all you can eat Chinese was great.Then the Cast for the Show went to the Temple so that was the busy day in my life here, I really am so grateful to be here and busy and able to serve. THURSDAY A crazy day for changes. I was dressed to do the mail when I got a call to go to the Wagon at 10 so I changed and got over there and S/Nunn who was to be there late got there on time so I started my day all over again. Mail etc. stopped and got my Flu Shot and then changed again to go to the Family Living Center. The snow is almost gone so I was able to ride my bike.Then after all the Sisters met at the Visitors Center Theater and practiced a new song called Grandmother`s Apron for the summer shop `Sunset By the Mississippi`. Home to change to go over to our Mission Presidents home for Dinner. There were the Nine of us Senior Sisters, and we had Hay Stacks and ice cream. So this was three times this week to eat out. FRIDAY Went for a walk down by the Mississippi this AM. There is quite a bit of ice on the river and then to go up by the horses and see them waiting to be fed. It was a slow and quiet day. I was the Wagon Narrator but there was no tour at 10AM so I headed for home to get caught up on my piles of paper. I had a young couple with their 2 boys for the noon wagon and despite the wind and cold the boys fell a sleep. No one for the 2PM.Tried to get a hold of Kalissa for her Birthday. SATURDAY 8AM we were at the Stake Center for cleaning the building and I spent all my time vacuuming.Then walked to the Visitors center to pick up the mail. then home to change and then walk to the Mail Room to pick up mail and the Van. Go to the post office but the truck was late so they hadn't sorted the mail yet so I went home to get my breakfast,next time I will take a book.After I got the mail sorted I headed home again and this time I managed to burn my lunch and discovered that our smoke alarms are not working,so I aired out the house and went on the the Family Living Center to serve. We were a bit busier than the other 2 days when I was there and actually need to stay till after. Got home to find my companion had the doors open an trying to get the smell out of the house. we finally get some lemon and spices boiling in a pot to act as potpouri.S/C wanted pizza so we enjoyed the tread. Later that night I did get a hold of Kalissa to wish her a happy Birthday. She had some friends over. Had a long talk with Dan which was very upsetting as his leg is not healing.

Tuesday 15 January 2013

JANUARY 6th to 12th

Up at my normal time of 5AM. Woke with a thankful heart today. It wasn't as cold so I was able to walk to Church which starts at 8AM. We have choir practice after our other meetings and we are learning O My Father from the Stephen Foster Tune of Gentle Annie that was sung this way back in the 1840's Tonight we had Zone Conference and heard the talk by E/Bednar titled Becoming a Preach My Gospel Missionary.
A happy day but emotional too as I heard from Spencer.I was so wonderful to hear his voice. He is somewhere in E. Africa so he is on a Great Adventure for sure. I was actually at the John Taylor Home when he called. What an amazing life we have that he could call me from Africa and here I am in the tiny town of Nauvoo, in a pioneer dress telling folks about John Taylor who was born in England 1808. Rendezvous only 4 people there tonight but the show must go on.
I was on the Mail Room assignment which went OK. The weather has warmed up so I rode my bike to the Family Living Center. Today I was working on tying a small quilt. Gave a demonstration on bread making and candle making.Only 6 people here today.
8 AM Training Meeting. The discussion was on our new Site manuals and doing tours with your companion.Then I was at the Sarah Granger Kimball Home with S/Call. We were so excited as we had one tour, so we practised what we were taught today. It was not perfect but we are getting better. Our Director for Rendezvous was not well and has taken an extended leave of absence so the new Cast Manager has taken over. It made me think that I am really being tested as I am not longer in a position to help and I have more experience but so it is, to leave it alone and step back and see if I can help without helping.
 Had a good nights rest 6 hours yeah! Glad to be the Mail Lady today. It really is great to be outside and moving around rather than sitting all day in the Historic Sites. There wasn't much mail today so I was at the Family Living Center early and worked on the Shawl and tying knots on runners that had come off of the loom. They had no one come today as did many of the other sites. I was home by 3:30 and washed my hair which is getting so long that I has better cut it.....Maybe I will do it on March 12 the 1 year mark. Then tonight was special as we got invited to a couples home for dinner. They are missionaries from Alaska who will be here for 2years and work on the Temple Pageant. RAIN,RAIN and more rain..... we need it so bad that it wonderful to have such a good soak.
FRIDAY A grey day today and the humidity high couldn't even see the Temple because of the fog. Went to the Stoddard Tin Shop today with Sister Munhoz who can speak a bit of English and most comfortable with Portuguese.We had a quiet day except for a very noisy huge flock of geese that is moving through. and only gave one tour to her son and his girlfriend who are visiting. At Rendezvous tonight.  Finished off the last of the Almond Roca that the Vanderhoof Gang made at Christmas time Thanks Ellen,Sariah and Grandest Kids
I was going to the temple this morning but ended up having Companion Study instead..Very little mail  today so I was finished by 11: 30 had a quick lunch of soup then rode my bike to the Family Living Center (FLC) it rained a bit so I was glad that it was clear when I came out.  I decided to walk to the temple which is just up the hill but took my umbrella just in case. The temperature did a big dip in between so I was glad that I had my long dress on. Oh yes I forgot to tell you that we are able to wear out "Site" or pioneer dresses to the Temple.Came home to have the Sat. Night Bath as we have to up so early.

Sunday 6 January 2013

JANUARY 1st . A great first day. Awake at 3:30 so I thought it good to read over my Patriarchal Blessing. This continues to be a great motivator and guidance in my life. After my morning routine,I was out and about as I needed to pay my rent,phone bill and get the last months report for the Sarah Granger Kimball home.  The Christmas decorations are coming down which is so sad to see. Then off to the Seventies Hall for today's assignment. I had quite the experience today as the Sister that I was working with has diabetes and had low blood sugars today.  Thanks to a call to her husband, he told me what to do. When he arrived he took her home and another Sister came to help me. Spent the rest of my day and evening trying to find my room.Talked to Donna and she still has a cold and is very miserable.
This is just great to begin the year with some news. I have a new assignment. I am one of the Mail Room persons. I pick up and deliver the mail Tue.Thur and Sat. I am going to enjoy this as I am out and about and then when I am finished I go to the Family Living Center. to work till 3. This month we do Rendezvous in Old Nauvoo (the stage show) on Mon.,Wed. and Fri. so we had had a break for a few days.Some nights there are only a hand full of people but the show must go on.  Talked to Kari and Skyped Nathan, Megan and David This is so fun to see the babies.
My first day of my new assignment at the Mail  Room.I start at 9 AM and drive a  Dodge Caravan to pick up the mail at the Mission Office which is part of the Visitors Center and Facilities Management. Then to the Post Office to pick up the mail. Then back to the Mail Room to sort and take care of the numerous magazines and mail that has to be forwarded. I then deliver the mail to the Mission Office,FM and Land & Records, back to the Mail Room. Park the Van and then head for home, have a quick lunch and head off to the Family Living Center till 3PM.Tonight I worked on catching up on my desk.
The first Friday of the month we have a Mission Breakfast at 7AM to say farewell to departing missionaries and welcome the new ones.We all sign up to bring food and it is a great way to see those we have not connected with this past month. Went to the Sarah Granger Kimball home to pack away the Christmas Decorations. Then went to the Visitor Center to serve today.11:30-5PM We had  41 people come to the center today. After supper headed to the Cultural Hall for the show Rendezvous did I mention that it is only an hour long. This has been a very long day but then they all are.
Went to the temple for an hour and then to the Mail Room. I am still in learning mode but the actual Post Office is only open from 9:15-10:30 on a Sat. so I needed to collect the mail and get there before it closes. We had snow and rain today which was very interesting. Came home for lunch and then walked to the Family Living Center. On the way I passed a field that was full of Canadian Geese. I have no idea how many but it was black, I guess over 600. The noise was incredible.. What a time to not have a camera. The Mississippi River is the flyway for thousands of migrating birds and they even have the nesting boxes for the spring time so I will let you know when they leave or come back for that matter. Hunting season is over but there were some very aggressive hunters around for the season. They even have blinds and camouflage boats. We apparently are waiting for the hundreds of Bald Eagles that are the next to move through. There is even an island that is just for them. So back to my story. When I got to the Family Living Center where we do demonstrations of different Pioneer skills I was asked to work on the hand weaving of a shawl that they are making for a lady. So that was fun to do. Left at 3 ish and the noisy geese were still there but some more joined them. They seem to take turns going to get a drink from the River.