Sunday 24 February 2013

SNOW !!!
Yes we finally got our Canadian winter/spring snow storm. School was cancelled and people sent home early so that they didn't get caught in the mess. The plows couldn't keep up to it.But guess what .... we still had the show Rendezvous. I was busy all night trying to keep the stairs cleaned off as the tracking in of snow / our long dresses as well as the ice was starting to build up were people were walking. When I got home I cleaned off our walks because it was to continue to snow all night. This morning the plows were out and cleaned off our drive and low and behold who should be out there and shoveling the walks but President and Sister Gilliland. They were doing it for exercise.
Sorry that I didn't get this posted today but I have been busy all day getting an assignment finished.We have new missionaries here, two single sisters and three couples. Had a fun visit on Skype with Dallin and family and then we had a meeting at our house tonight so the folks have just left... so that's all there is on this end this week.

Sunday 17 February 2013


It is my scheduled day to be at the Mail Room so when I arrive, all the boxes are full of goodies Chocolates, baked goods, cards and even Valentines. When I go to pick up the mail at the office we have fresh donuts. What a way to start the day with a freshly made Long John with a creme center. When I get to the Post Office I find that one of the letters going our is going to Mountain View and the Murray's. So I am excited that they are coming. They are having to wait to get visa's. When I gave the Mail Lady a Valentine she said that I needed to come back as she had a treat for me. I was able to do a couple of good deeds for the Sewing Room Ladies and give a young Lady a lift to work and when I went back to the Post Office Marian had given me 4 huge chocolate covered Strawberries.Yum....I did share them..Then down to the Family Living Center to work on the shawl.I was home for a few minutes then walked to the Jennings place for a Valentines Dinner of Spaghetti, Salad and Garlic Bread...They served over 50 people! Terrific. Then off to the Stage Show of Rendezvous.Talked to my Sister Donna to wish her a Happy Birthday and Valentines and she was off to celebrate with friends...87 years young. So it was a happy day.

Sunday 10 February 2013


FRIDAY the 1st  Brrrrr minus 1 this AM
I had a real good sleep last night so I am hoping to do the same tonight. I don't know if a bowl of cereal made the difference, so stay tuned.  I was to be a Wagon Narrator today but with the weather so cold there were no tours. I was home all day and phoned about 15 minutes before I was to go, to check if I was needed. I worked on tying a table runner that I had brought home from the Family Living Center. Dan phoned so we got caught up with his news. Nothing has changed with his leg as it still swells and is very painful.
I made two dozen cinnamon rolls for our breakfast tomorrow... We are doing a reenactment of the Exodus that took place in February 1846, so we meet for a quick breakfast and then walk down Parley Street to the Mississippi River.  I will tell you more about this tomorrow. So I ventured out into the cold to take our baked goods to the FLC and then stopped at the Temple for an hour.Back to the house to finish the runner had some supper and then finished off the blog and started this one.
SATURDAY the 2nd
No I didn't sleep the night through.Up and at it early. It had snowed during the night but that means that the temperatures had warmed 27 degrees. Still piled the layers on. Went to the Family Living Center for the first part of the program.We had a Continental Breakfast  then I read a brief one page history of the Saint and why they left in Feb and some of their experiences.We then lined up with the Nauvoo Legion first in line holding handmade rifles and then followed the Flag bearers ( I had a huge Canadian Flag) representing the pioneers who came from Canada. Next were the folks representing the Saints who had left Nauvoo. Research had been done on the "ancestors" and others that they were wearing the names tags for. I requested and wore the name of Zina Huntington Young who was the mother of Zina Card, the part that I had played in the Temple Pageant in Cardston in 1897  Bringing up the rear was the carriage with the Christensens dressed in costumes and representing Brigham and Mary Young, covered wagons and the wagons that we use on the tours. As we turned from Main Street to Parley Street, the cold wind blowing off the Mississippi River let us feel its strength I had to stop and adjust my scarf and couldn't help but wonder what the Saints must have endures in weather such as this. As we reached the river and the  Pioneer Memorial Site, (which has the names of over 2000 Saint that died on their way to the Salt Lake Valley), we had the flag raising,  Pledge of Allegiance, another talk and sang Come, Come Ye Saints.After a moment of silence we heard "Taps" which was a fitting tribute to those valiant Saints. What faith they had in God and to move West because they had to. I feel very honored to be here and to have this experience and to learn of these dedicated saints who made the ultimat sacrifice.
SUNDAY the 3rd
It has been a 6 kleenex day. Really felt love today for all who spoke in Church today, for their inspired heart felt testimonies as well as the lesson in SS and RS. Then tonight it was the Fireside or as they used to call it in the 1840's "Sociables"on those Saint that were here in Nauvoo and left for the West. The stories were so touching of their ancestors. What amazing stories as well as some modern day pioneers.
I am not writing tonight as I am too tired as I woke at 4 AM and couldn't get back to sleep. A new song that we are leaning for Sunset By the Mississippi  called Grandma Apron was going on in my head and I couldn't shake it so I won't be writing tonight.
I had a good sleep so I am even awake tonight.It has been a beautiful day 40 Degrees or 4 Celsius. Today on my mail run I spied an eagle so I headed down to the river and sure enough there were 3 of them standing on the edge of the ice by a large water hole hoping to catch a fish. I got a Christmas/Valentines card from Donna today so that was great to hear from her and she included my favorite comic The Family Circle. I also got the Hill Spring Ward notes to me. It was wonderful to get their encouraging words and know that I am missed and that I am remembered in their prayers.It was a nice enough day for me to ride my bike to the FLC. I worked on a new shawl and as ever the tying of knots in the fringe of the runners that have come off the loom. They had baked bread today in the bustle oven and even shared was excellent. We had the Rendezvous show tonight and some new folks debuted in their new part so that was very exciting as it was word perfect.We have some great actors that didn't know they were actors till they came to Nauvoo.
The final farewell to the Christensen's so sad to see them go. I really have a hard time with these good byes.These feelings go very deep and I am wiped for the rest of the day.Yet we all know that the time had come because of his condition.(ALS) I know only to well when your loved one is diagnosed with a terminal illness.She has some hard days ahead, After training meeting I had my 3 month interview with the President. He asked me what my goals were. So I have a few. Listen more, memorize and keep in remembrance certain scriptures
Went to the temple, it truly is a place to feel peace on earth.As I walked into the chapel the organ was playing Be Still My Soul  which has been a great comfort to me over the years.

RAIN BEAUTIFUL RAIN! We got a good soak Thurs. and Sat. The area has been struggling with drought (does this sound familiar) so the rain is welcome. I served in the Brigham Young home today and we actually had a tour.We know the place will be start to get busy in March and we are expecting 25 new couple in March all on the same day so that should be an interesting day for sure.So as I end this epistle I think I will feature one of the home or sites each week so that you can get to know Nauvoo too.I just need to get the pictures to match.

Friday 1 February 2013

Wrapping up January

Phone call this morning at 7:30 that Church has been cancelled as we have FREEZING RAIN.I stepped outside to see and indeed it was raining but the sidewalk was ice.I got caught up on an assignment for next months meeting and S/Christiansen made a delicious lunch of  lemon chicken. So we had a quiet day till 3:00 when we got a call that we would have our Zone Conference as well as Sacrament service at 4:00 at the theatre in the Visitors Center. I am so very grateful for the weather to change for that time to be able to take the sacrament.I got a hold of Sariah to wish her Happy Birthday but she and the kids except Mark were sick with the flu. Not good news. I also had a good visit with Nola and got caught up with the family news.
The temperature was 50 degrees and the humidity couldn't see the Temple this morning. I rode my bike to the Tin Shop were I served today and even though it wasn't raining I got wet from the "mist". It was a very emotional day as I was serving with a sister who's husband has ALS or Lou Gehrig's and they are getting ready to go home as his condition is getting worse. So she had a lot to talk about and I was able to share some thoughts about the next steps in her life as she deals with her grieving.Her family are coming to visit Nauvoo and help her pack and drive home to Utah. Sister Gilliland, the Mission Presidents wife, also visited us to ask us what our favorite Book of Mormon scripture was and I shared 3 Nephi 5:13 with her.We had no guests today.This evening I took the time to get rid of some paper in my files and got caught up with some mission e-mails.
Never two days the same.Today was mail day. The temperatures were 60 plus and then it started to rain and it hasn't stopped. I had to find the umbrella instead of the ice cleats. I walked from the Mail Room to my home to get my van to head off to the Family Living Center and low and behold my van wouldn't start. So I walked to the FLC. I had only been there an hour when I received a call that one of the Sister's was sick so I needed to go and replace her. I said yes and then after I got off the phone realised that I didn't have a vehicle. As luck would have it one of the Sisters was heading out to do service at the kindergarten so she drove me to the Sarah Granger home. In the meantime I had got a hold of one of the mechanics so I got a ride to the house and then he came and started it with jumper cables, and I then drove to the Sarah Granger home and finished the afternoon there. The Van started just fine as well as when I had to go out tonight to the Rendezvous show.  Still raining. Phoned and wished Danae a Happy Birthday.  She is seven now and had just opened her presents and was so very happy. Dan was not there as he was just getting back from a sport show. The leg is still not as it should be and swelling and pain are an every day occurrence.
I have given up on my sleep patterns, I think my brain is on daylight saving so I am awake at 4 instead of 5. The rain turned into snow for awhile and then the wind and the temperatures went back down to 23 so we are getting ready for a cold spell and putting on the winter coat again. Very interesting as I had just spotted some tulips poking their nose out of the flower bed.We had 8AM training meeting and went over Scripture study,perhaps my study journal has been the best thing for me to have added since I have been on missions.Later on I was back at the Visitor's Center to serve there. I actually brought my "Homework" with me the tying of rugs We had a total of 9 people today and that was probably because of the snow, wind and cold..After work I went up town to shop for groceries and then went to the Temple. Early to bed tonight.
Cold again only 14 or -10 Celsius but the wind was bad So this damp cold is really different and penetrates into your bones..I spied an Bald Eagle as I was out doing the mail today. Just sitting in the tree top waiting for.......lunch I guess. I think it was odd to see it so far from the river yet I am not sure of their habitat in the area. It was so cold that I actually drove my van to the Family Living Center. I almost finished the shawl and am working on the fringe. I will probably complete it on Sat. if someone else doesn't do it before then.
We had Rendezvous tonight. I thought they might cancel it as a storm moved through with snow and strong winds but the show must go on and we did end up with about15 people. Had a fun moment when one of the main characters in the scene didn't come on stage so another Sister and myself filled in..turned out that she was looking for her hat and just didn't time it right.Well, I guess this is it for the month...I just reread this before I post it and you sure can tell that I should be writing this when I am more awake.